Sunday 18 September 2016


I just wrote my first blog post & realized that I am incapable of talking about Yoga, without quoting from Upnishads. Let's blame it on my Grandfather who infused my childhood with stories from these texts. Anyway, so I guess it's important that I talk about what are Upnishads.

What are Upnishads?

Upnishads are the ancient Hindu texts that explain the ultimate theory of reality.

Literally, Upnishads mean: To sit near Guru

So, Upnishads contain knowledge that shishyas of ancient India received at Gurukuls.

Therefore, if you read Upnishads, you'll find that they're in the form of conversation, questions & answers and a commentary on Vedas.

When I was growing up, I didn't understand all this. At that time, for me Upnishads formed an enchanting garden from which my grandfather would daily pluck a story for me. Now, when I revisit those stories, I am amazed at how such intricate concepts were offered in skillfully simple stories. The ancient Indian sages were for sure great story tellers :)


  1. May i request fr a soft copy on upnishads? Does it exist online?

  2. May i request fr a soft copy on upnishads? Does it exist online?

  3. Not that I am aware of. Will share if I come across any :)
