Friday 14 October 2016


- Kirti Tarang Pande
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The Hidden Cosmic Secret

May I tell you a secret?

It's a secret that was kept hidden from 'commoners' in Vedic Prampara. Brahmins knew the power of this wisdom pearl that they had. So they kept quiet, because in the hands of unworthy, the power could be dangerous. In silence they quivered with the vibrations of Sound Yoga and attained a state of pure bliss.

No, I am not starting a new niche in Yoga. Yoga is the science of Shiva & art of Siddhas, you & I are not qualified to make changes in it. We can only share, what we have learnt:

What Is Sound: The Western & Vedic School Of It

Modern Physics tells us that Sound is an energy.
Ancient texts of Rig Veda agree with this & add that Sound is the original form all energy. This cosmic energy of sound, always have a referent object. It is the name of that object. The name connects us to the Being that it designates.
Therefore, whenever we make a sound, we are directing awareness to the object that it corresponds to.

How Sound Yoga Harnesses & Channelizes The Energy Of Sound?

When through sound our awareness goes to an object, along with awareness goes our Pranic Energy. So, ancient Siddhas through the blessings and guidance of Shiva created Beej Mantras, which can link our Pranic Energy to the object of our desires.

What Is The Object Of A Yogis' Desire?

Yogis weren't greedy they just wanted three basic things:
1. Healthy Body, you can't meditate if you're struggling with a physical ailment
2. A mind that's free from all afflictions, again, one can either fret or meditate
3. Liberation

What Did The Yogis Do With This Knowledge?

Since, the yogis understood that Sound is the mental aspect of Pran. They used the mantric vibrations of soul to awaken the powers within.
With this power they discovered the Beej Mantras corresponding to the three wishes of a Yogi:

a. For Healthy Body:

Yogis looked at human body as a sound body & called it Mantra Purush, representing it through Sanskrit Alphabets.
For the sounds in the head & our senses, they harnessed solar energy & created 16 Beej Mantras for it.
For our tissues, they harnessed lunar energy & created 9 Beej Mantras for them
And then, there are 25 Beej Mantras for our trunk & limbs

b. For Peaceful Mind:

They created Beej Mantras for six basic Chakras & weaved them in a meditation technique, in which we travel down from our Throat Chakra towards the Root Chakra & then we come up & dissolve it all in the Third Eye Chakra.

c. For Liberation

This approach came from the Shakti School of Yoga. The yogis discovered the four Beej Mantras corresponding to four forms of Shakti, leading to liberation.

How You & I Can Incorporate Sound Yoga In Our Daily Practice?

Remember, Sound Yoga is very powerful and should only be performed in the guidance of a trusted teacher. 

a. For Energizing

Every Asana has a corresponding Beej Mantra. Once you have mastered the asana on the physical level, then check if you can relax in that asana, connect it with your breathe, now you can ask your teacher to give you the Beej Mantra.

b. For Relaxation

You can recite Mantra Purusha prayer before meditation, it withdraws the pran from all the parts of body & leave
it in the Third Eye.

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